Rating: M - M, Holocaust imagery, sexual violence references & offensive language
Running time: 1hr 57mins
Directed by Ellen Kuras
Oscar winner Kate Winslet stars in this fascinating portrait of the great American war correspondent Elizabeth "Lee" Miller, whose singular talent and ferocious tenacity gave us some of the 20th century’s most indelible images. After a career as a fashion model and muse to Man Ray, Lee moved to Paris to study photography just as WW2 broke out. As a middle-aged woman, she refused to simply be remembered as a model and muse so she defied social expectations and travelled Europe, reporting from the frontline and became an acclaimed war correspondent for Vogue magazine during World War II. Her work changed war photography forever, but Lee paid a huge personal price for the stories she fought so hard to tell.
“Spellbinding. Captivating, provocative and engrossing” -NYC Movie Guru
"A resoundingly compelling docudrama of a photographer who captured some of the most impactful and harrowing images of the worst war on record, and there is no actor better suited to recapture her presence than Kate Winslet." -The Hollywood Outsider
“A well-crafted, visually-striking biopic that is moving in its depiction of the atrocities of World War II” -LA Weekly